Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy Diwali

As a lover of all things vain and beautiful, I am of course obsessed with Bollywood/Indian style. How could anyone not be with those colors, fabrics and sparkly things! I mean hello, our miss america is Indian, she is now my style guru!

Miss America in all her gorgeous glory

So Sea Port had a Diwali festival and I was SOOOO excited. I looked forward to it all week.

Image below,  India's Next Bollywood Star 

I so badly wanted one of the dresses below but I didn't have $100 in cash (I was kicking myself). I  am in love with the colors/texture, everything! I promised myself next year I would own one!

Incredible dancing and fireworks 

I wasn't able to buy a dress but I did get Henna tattoo! 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend's Vanities

Strawberry hair rollers make great curls

Ta Da

Rooftop drinks at the Met, my drink is called "Garden Party" made with real roses and rose essence. 

Purchased by Cory for me, I love my Unicorns. I have loved them since I was a little kid. My mom gave me a ceramic image of the Unicorns below she got in England and have since loved the old style of imagery. Also, I've been obsessed with 'The Last Unicorn' so it's only normal i have Unicorn jewelry. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Adult Manicure

It wasn't awkward at all to bring this nail polish color into the salon.

Gold Sharpy fun

Fox Hunt Nail Color

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fall Beauty

Fall was never a big deal living in Florida, it was always the same weather; hot or raining. Now that I get to see the leaves change color and see the fashion change from summer to fall, it is a big deal!

Even the beauty products are changing. Pumpkin has been my favorite flavor and scent for a long time. It only was a matter of time before I started slathering it on my face.

My New Favorite Candle

A not too Pumpkin-ie body lotion.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Silent Film Sirens


                      Mary Pickford

                                Clara Bow

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Korean Beauty Trend; Fat, Puffy Eyes

I've always loved Korean beauty products, even the weird ones, like under eye bags to look.....youthful. 

Here is a super weird tutorial on how to get those puffy eyes.

This is a Korean Beauty Blog as well listing a how to and a ton of before and afters

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Ballet

I've never been a girl that wanted to be a Ballerina. Even as a kid when I did classes for a year or two, I was thinking, "uhh boorrring." I then went on to play softball, tennis (tennis summer camp hollar), cross country and soccer.

As I get older (forever young) I can now appreciate it for what it is, hungry girls dancing oh so pretty.

The Ballerina's also have some KILLA makeup. The article if your too lazy to click, states Ballerinas wear a think pancake base, two sets of false eyelashes and 100 pounds of eye shadow. So basically they wear what I wear on a normal day.

Black swan made the Ballet a little bit more mainstream, the makeup however is extreme, something that is perfect for Halloween.  It can also be super light and effortless when done right.